God is getting ready to rend the heavens and come down! The Lord is multifaceted and we have known Him in amazing and wonderful ways. But, He is getting ready to manifest Himself in a different way to those who have been preparing for a ‘New Move of God’. We have been waiting and praying for a long time. We have held (in faith) the many prophecies and Words of this ‘time to come’. For those who have yielded to the preparation, and surrendered their lives to Him, He shall suddenly come to His Temple. And…we are His Temple! Halelujah! Amen! And it’s time to get excited, as ‘all that we’ve been waiting for’ approaches!

It’s not too late to join the team of Believers.  The preparation for us is humility. The Lord desires for us to recognize our inability, our weakness, our sin nature, and know this: If we realize that we are nothing, then He can do something through us. It is all HIM! His presence…His Power….His Love…in and through the yielded Believers. 

It has become more and more obvious that God wants to work through teams in this season. And the reason is also plain to see. Humility requires accountability and the need for dependence on one another to form unity. Anything I try to do on my own seems to fail lately. As soon as I form a team it brings the blessings of God. For one to stand alone is just an invitation for pride and independence to take over. We need each other more than ever if we want the full measure of God’s power. He is moving through teams. That is the End-Time vessel of power and authority.

I encourage you to find the team you belong on and get committed to love and trust one another. This is not a time to criticize the church. It’s time to love her and be a part of her restoration. Don’t look at her to find her faults. Fault is what we all have in common. We need to pray and help each other find repentance, deliverance, mercy and love, so that we can be ready to be vessels that are transparent enough for the Lord to be seen through us.

With Love and Prayers for the Will of God to find release through us.
Sue Hampton

From The Pastor's Pen